Published 11/11/2020

Covid 19 and travel to Svalbard

This week, new national infection control measures were implemented by the Norwegian government, which also apply to Svalbard. This means, among other things, that unnecessary travel to/from the Norwegian mainland should be avoided. Business trips that are considered as necessary can be carried out.

Published 9/1/2020

The quarantine must be carried out on the mainland

The Governor reminds of the rules for quarantine after travel abroad. Everyone who arrives in Norway from abroad (with the exception of specified areas in Europe with a sufficiently low spread of infection) must remain in quarantine for 10 days after arrival in Norway. If you are covered by the quarantine obligation, you cannot travel on to Svalbard until after the end of the quarantine period. This main rule applies to everyone who wants to travel to Svalbard, also for permanent residents.

Published 6/14/2020

Coastal cruises - infection prevention plans are mandatory

Everyone who plans coastal cruises on Svalbard must provide their own infection prevention plans for all aspects of their business. In cooperation between the cruise industry by AECO and the Norwegian authorities, a template has been prepared for this. No one can start coastal cruise operations until the plans have been reviewed by the Governor and Infection Protection Superior in Longyearbyen and they have received feedback.

Published 5/22/2020

Plans for infection prevention operations

Based on an infection prevention guideline, the individual tourism businesses must draw up their own plans for infection prevention responsible operations. Travel companies wishing to start operations in Svalbard from 1 June must submit their plans to the Governor. This is according to an agreement between central authorities, the Governor and organized tourism on 18 May. 

Published 5/22/2020

Inquiries about holiday trips and tour activities in Svalbard

The Norwegian government decided on 15 May that all tourism companies active in Svalbard must prepare their own concrete plans for how to conduct infection control responsibly before they can start up the activity and receive guests after 1 June. The Governor uses great resources to prepare for the gradual reopening of tourism business in Svalbard. This work is prioritized.

Published 5/22/2020

Foreign citizens who want to travel to mainland Norway

Due to the corona situation, foreign citizens residing in Svalbard will basically not be able to travel to mainland Norway for visits or holidays. This applies to both persons who are subject to visa requirements and nationals of countries with which Norway has an entry agreement and who do not normally need a visa for entry to the mainland, including nationals of EEA countries.

Published 5/15/2020

Government exploring subsidies scheme for non-EU/EEA citizens to return home

The Ministry of Justice and Public Security is exploring a fixed-term scheme for subsidising the return home of foreign employees in Longyearbyen who are without income or means to return to their country of origin.

Published 5/15/2020

Repeals the quarantine order for permanent residents today

The Governor repeals the home quarantine order for permanent residents in Svalbard from today at 18.00. In accordance with the government's guidelines, the Governor will open for leisure travellers to Svalbard from 1 June 2020.

Published 5/7/2020

Working on setting a specific date for limited opening of tourism

Efforts are being made to set a specific date for when Svalbard can again welcome tourists from the Norwegian mainland and for when the quarantine for travellers to Svalbard can be lifted. - The tourism industry in Svalbard has now been given the responsibility to prepare guidelines and concrete plans for how to operate in an infection control responsible manner, says Governor Kjerstin Askholt.

Published 4/30/2020

The Governor extends the quarantine order until 18 May

The Governor extends the order of home quarantine for 14 days to anyone arriving in Svalbard via airport, harbour or by other means. The decision will initially apply until 18 May at. 18:00. If necessary, the quarantine order may be extended after this date.