Published 4/2/2021

Violated the covid regulation - was returned to the mainland

A Norwegian citizen who flew to Longyearbyen on Friday was sent back to the mainland the same day. He had not completed the entry quarantine at Gardermoen after he arrived from London on Thursday. - This is a violation of the covid regulations, says assistant governor Sølvi Elvedahl.

Published 3/31/2021

Avalanche in Nybyen

At 14.30 on Wednesday, there was an avalanche from Gruvefjellet towards Nybyen. The avalanche did not reach the buildings. No one was taken by the avalanche. Based on assessments from Skred AS, no evacuation or ban on residence and traffic will be implemented in the area.

Published 3/30/2021

Lifts the evacuation in Nybyen

Based on advice from Skred AS, the Governor will lift the evacuation and residence and traffic ban ban in Nybyen and the residence and traffic ban in Lia from 11.00 on Tuesday March 30.

Published 3/29/2021

Maintains the evacuation in Nybyen until Tuesday

Based on assessments from Skred AS and the weather forecasts, the Governor has decided to maintain the evacuation and traffic ban in Nybyen and the residence and traffic ban on the upper side of the buildings in Lia. The evacuation and the ban on residence and traffic apply until Tuesday.

Published 3/27/2021

Maintains the evacuation in Nybyen until Monday

Based on assessments from Skred AS and the weather forecasts, the Governor has decided to maintain the evacuation and traffic ban in Nybyen and the residence and traffic ban on the upper side of the buildings in Lia. The evacuation and the ban on residence and traffic apply until Monday. Then a new assessment will be made.

Published 3/26/2021

Mass vaccination in Longyearbyen after Easter

After Easter, Longyearbyen Hospital begins with mass vaccination of Longyearbyen's residents over the age of 45 and those aged 18-75 with underlying diseases (see list below).

Published 3/26/2021

Evacuates in Nybyen

Based on professional assessments from Skred AS and the weather forecasts, the Governor has decided to evacuate the buildings on the upper side of the road in Nybyen (see map). A residence and traffic ban will be introduced in the area. The evacuation must be completed by 08.00 on Saturday morning. The governor also introduces a ban on traffic and entry in an area on the upper side of the buildings in Lia. See maps on the link to the right.

Published 2/24/2021

Snowmobile driving in the area with ban on snowmobile traffic

The Governor reminds that only permanent residents on Svalbard are allowed to drive snowmobiles in the area with ban on snowmobile traffic until March 1, marked with green on map A.

Published 2/3/2021

Quick test is approved when traveling to Svalbard

The Governor of Svalbard and Longyearbyen local council have received information from national health authorities that the quick test for SARS-CoV-2 is approved as a covid-test for travellers to Svalbard.

Published 1/28/2021

Requires a negative corona test before travel to Svalbard

The government tightens the rules for entry to Svalbard. A negative result on the corona test taken within 24 hours before departure is required. The test must be completed on the mainland. All travel to Svalbard that is not considered as strictly necessary is discouraged.