Published 3/19/2020

Exception from Regulations on expulsion

Foreign nationals residing permanently in Svalbard can pass through the Norwegian mainland when traveling from abroad to Svalbard. The quarantine obligation on the Norwegian mainland due to the Covid 19 situation still applies.

Published 3/18/2020

Exemption from home quarantine in Longyearbyen

You can apply for community-critical key personnel to be exempt from required home quarantine for 14 days after arriving in Longyearbyen. The exception only applies when this is strictly necessary to maintain the proper operation of critical social functions. In addition, exceptions may be made for persons who have been in home quarantine for 14 days on the mainland. Apart from this, no exemptions are granted from these provisions. Se more information on Longyearbyen lokalstyre's website.

Published 3/18/2020

Introduces the home quarantine after traveling from the mainland

The Longyearbyen local government has decided that everyone who arrives in Longyearbyen after traveling from the mainland will be placed at home for 14 days after arrival. The decision is valid from 18 March 2020 at. And retroactively until March 13, 2020 at. 06:00. The decision is valid until March 27, 2020 at. 18:00. Questions about the decision on home quarantine should be directed to the Longyearbyen local government.

Published 3/17/2020

If you have travel plans on Svalbard

The Governor requests that people on Svalbard also take into account the advice given by the Norwegian Rescue Services not to go out on trips that are at risk of triggering rescue operations.

Published 3/17/2020

Corona and travel to Svalbard

On the basis of many questions about travel to Svalbard and constantly changing guidelines and travel advice from the Norwegian authorities, the Governor asks that each person becomes familiar with the current regulations and makes their decisions in line with this. Norwegian health authorities encourage people to avoid leisure travel. We encourage people to follow the health authorities' advice on the coronary infection.

Published 3/14/2020

Quarantine on the mainland

Persons arriving Norway from places other than Sweden and Finland shall be quarantined on the mainland.

Published 3/11/2020

Handling of Covid 19 virus on Svalbard

The Governor and the Svalbard Preparedness Council follow the situation closely and adhere to the guidelines of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The need for new measures is assessed on an ongoing basis, and the emergency services will request assistance from central authorities if the need arises.

Published 3/5/2020

Notify your travel plans in due time

Please note that due to high demand it may accrue extended case processing time for notified travel plans until the summer.

We advise that both tour operators and individual travellers are aware of this and notify the Governor about their travel plans in good time.

Published 2/24/2020

Breaking of ice is not allowed

Several fjords on Svalbard are covered in ice this year. Throughout winter and spring, many species depend on sea ice for survival. The ringed seal births its pups in snow caves on the ice, and the ice is an important habitat and hunting area for polar bears. The breaking of ice is considered a deterioration of the natural environment and is not allowed.

Published 2/21/2020

They lost their lives on the Fridtjov glacier

It was the German citizens Sascha Brandt (39) and Magdalena Katarina Zakrzewski (40) who lost their lives in the avalanche on the Fridtjov glacier on Svalbard on Thursday 20 February. The relatives have been notified.