Risk and vulnerability analysis
The Governor is responsible for maintaining an overview of risk and vulnerability in Svalbard. We establish this overview by preparing a risk and vulnerability analysis, also called SvalbardROS.
The overall goal of SvalbardROS is to form a common platform for preventing unwanted incidents in Svalbard. It will also strengthen the coordination of regional work on civil security, emergency preparedness and crisis management.
In the work on the analysis, there has been broad involvement from actors responsible for civil security and emergency preparedness in Svalbard. Locally and regionally, both local communities and actors from the Svalbard Emergency Preparedness Council have been involved where it has been natural. Several specialist directorates have also contributed to the work.
The analysis covers the three risk areas of natural events, major accidents and intentional acts. In the report (in Norwegian) you can read more about risk and vulnerability related to nuclear events, acute pollution, accidents at sea, fire, landslides, floods, stormwater and rain on snow, strong winds and cyber attacks.
The Governor of Svalbard shall submit ROS analyses each year together with the annual report to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, cf. the requirements in the main instructions to the Governor of Svalbard. The analysis can thus be largely considered a living document. The current analysis will be available here on the Governor's website.
The latest version of the risk and vulnerability analysis (in Norwegian) is found here.