Guidelines for researchers in Svalbard
The Governor of Svalbard requires that all research applications and reports are submitted via the Research in Svalbard (RiS) portal. Applications must be submitted within given deadlines. The processing time can be up to eight weeks.
Here is a guide for those planning to conduct research in Svalbard. To the right you will find a PDF version of the guide that you can print.
Application deadlines
There are four fixed application deadlines per year for research activity in Svalbard. The deadlines are:
- 15 January for fieldwork in March, April, and May.
- 1 March for fieldwork in June, July, and August.
- 1 July for fieldwork in September, October, and November.
- 1 October for fieldwork December, January, and February.
It is important to familiarize yourself with the provisions of the Svalbard Environmental Act before initiating research activities in Svalbard.
A number of activities are subject to application in Svalbard. Both the Svalbard Environmental Act and regulations issued pursuant to the act have a number of provisions regarding flora, fauna, cultural heritage, land use planning and various types of activities with consequences for the environment – such as traffic, interventions and pollution.
Not all research activities in Svalbard are subject to application. Whether an activity requires a permit depends on how extensive the activity is, whether it affects cultural heritage, and what impact it has on the natural environment. Small, temporary installations without terrain intervention or water sampling and small rock samples are examples of activities that do not require a permit.
All tenting and camp stays in tourist activities, field activities, and under the auspices of research and educational activities require a permit from the Governor. Tenting and camp stays that require an application to the Governor, must be secured with a vigilant and organized polar bear guard when there are people in the camp. See the application form in the RIS portal.
Registration and reporting
Research projects in Svalbard must be registered in the database "Research in Svalbard (RiS)", with all requested information regardless of whether they are subject to application or not. The project manager is responsible for investigating whether there are other projects in the database with which it may be appropriate to collaborate.
Applications for a research permit must be submitted to the Governor of Svalbard through the RiS database. Such an application will include both the research itself, travel and any camping during the fieldwork.
Reporting after fieldwork is also to be done through the RiS database. All collected material and data from the project must be reported. Data must be of a quality that makes them accessible, retrievable, interoperable and reusable in line with the international FAIR principles.
Notification and reporting of tour plans
You are required to report if you are going on fieldwork outside Management Area 10 (see FOR-1991-10-18-671 §3 letter c).
There are requirements for the content of such a notification, and it must be sent electronically via the Governor's notification form: A group can submit a joint notification form.
Field work should not begin until a response to the report has been received from the Governor. After field work has been completed, field days must be registered in a separate reporting form:
Within Management Area 10 there is no special registration for travellers.
Participants in the fieldwork
For reasons of safety, among other things, the Governor needs to know who is participating in fieldwork in Svalbard. It is important that all participants are included in the RIS registration and in any notification of trip plans.
Field period and location
For reasons of both safety and the natural environment, the Governor needs to know where and when the fieldwork is taking place.
The planned fieldwork must be registered in the RiS database, and one fieldwork must be registered per location. If you are going to conduct fieldwork at multiple locations, you must ensure that all are registered.
Please indicate the specific area of the fieldwork in the database and be as precise as possible. Remember that the field period(s) are not necessarily the same as the project period (the total period the project is ongoing).
It is important to consider whether the fieldwork will take place within restricted areas, and whether there are alternative locations or periods that can be used. Projects that can just as easily be carried out outside protected areas should be located outside the protected areas.
If you still want to carry out fieldwork within national parks or nature reserves, you must comply with the regulations of the protected areas. Different regulations apply to the different protected areas. Travel and fieldwork in such areas usually require permission from the Governor. You must apply for an exemption from specific regulations and justify why the work must be carried out in the protected area. In some protected areas, travel is prohibited for all or part of the year.
It is generally prohibited to damage or pick plants in Svalbard. Collecting plants for research or teaching is permitted if this does not significantly interfere with the local population. All collection of flora that may significantly interfere with the local population requires permission from the Governor.
Both the import and relocation of plants require a permit from the Norwegian Environment Agency. When exporting plant material from Svalbard to the mainland, a separate permit is not required for naturally occurring plants from Svalbard. When exporting other plants, you must contact the Governor. For any onward transport to other countries, you must contact the customs authority in the country in question.
The rules regarding disturbance of wildlife are very strict, and also include handling and collection. It is prohibited to move fallen game, dead animals or parts of such animals. The exception is naturally fallen antlers of reindeer. Report any interesting finds to the Governor.
All disturbance of fauna requires a permit from the Governor according to § 30 of the Svalbard Environmental Act. Avoid all unnecessary disturbances.
Handling, marking and instrumentation of animals must be approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority before the application is sent to the Governor. The processing time at the Norwegian Food Safety Authority can be long, so you must allow plenty of time.
Moving fauna requires a permit from the Norwegian Environment Agency. The same applies to importing fauna to Svalbard.
Various regulations apply to the export of zoological material, and some require approval from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The Norwegian Environment Agency processes applications for the export of material from CITES-listed species.
Cultural heritage monuments
All fixed and movable cultural monuments from before 1946 are automatically protected. The protection includes all traces of human activity such as buildings and structures (both standing, ruins and foundations), graves and all other structures and objects made by humans. Human graves are protected regardless of age, and the same applies to skeletal remains from whales and walruses at slaughter sites, as well as skeletal remains of polar bears at self-shot boxes.
Around all permanent cultural monuments there is a 100-meter protection zone in all directions. The protection zone is just as protected as the cultural monument itself. Both cultural monuments and protection zones are shown on the map in the RiS database (remember to zoom in well to see these).
It is forbidden to set up camp and burn fires within the protection zone. It is also not allowed to move automatically protected cultural monuments, even if they are found on the beach or other exposed places. If in doubt, assume that the object is protected.
If the fieldwork affects protected cultural monuments or the surrounding protection zones, you must apply for an exemption from the Svalbard Environmental Act. The application must contain detailed information about all planned physical interventions in the area with protected cultural monuments and associated protection zones:
Research installations: location (coordinates or detailed map section showing all installations), size and foundation type.
Sampling: type of samples, number and volume, location, size and depth of sample routes, whether samples will be taken from protected cultural monuments (buildings, facilities, structures and the like), and whether the samples will be taken out of Svalbard for analysis.
Camp: exact location and size (number of tents and other facilities/structures)
The application must be sent to the Governor who prepares a recommendation before it is forwarded to the Directorate for Cultural Heritage. It is the Directorate for Cultural Heritage that makes decisions in such cases, and plenty of time must be calculated before the application is fully processed.
Geology / terrain intervention / seismic
In principle, a permit is not required for the collection of loose stones, but, if necessary, check the protection regulations that apply to the area from which the samples are to be taken. There are somewhat different regulations in the different protection areas. The collection cannot be so extensive that it affects the natural environment in the area. Larger collections are therefore subject to application.
Collecting fossils is only permitted outside protected areas and is subject to application in protected areas.
For geological work involving terrain interventions larger than 20x20 cm, you need permission from the Governor. If the terrain intervention affects cultural monuments or the protection zone of cultural monuments, the intervention will require an application (see section on cultural monuments).
Soil, ice, snow, water and sediment samples
Smaller soil samples (< 1 l and fewer than 10) and the extraction of ice cores from glaciers do not generally require a permit. The same applies to the extraction of ice and snow samples or water samples (salt and fresh water). A permit is required for more extensive extraction of samples. A permit is also required for the extraction of ice cores if mechanical or motorized equipment is to be used.
If the extraction of samples affects areas with protected cultural heritage, the activity is always subject to application (see section on cultural monuments).
No one may have or do anything that may pose a risk of pollution to the natural environment, and it is prohibited to release environmental toxins into the environment. This means in practice that it is not permitted to release any substances or products into nature that may pose a risk of damage to the environment. If substances or products that may have environmental consequences are to be used, this is subject to application.
Information about whether a substance or product is harmful to the environment is included in the product data sheet's labelling and classification.
Fuel storage
If you plan to establish a fuel depot in Svalbard, you need permission from the Governor. You also need permission to deploy jerry cans.
You can apply electronically for a fuel depot through the Governor's website. You must also include the establishment of a fuel depot in the application that you send to the Governor via the RiS database.
The fuel depot must not be located near protected cultural monuments or within their protection zones (see section on cultural monuments).
Installations – deployment and retrieval
All major installations outside the planning areas require permission from the Governor. All installations must be registered in the RiS database. Provide the exact location on a map and provide a descriptive plan for deployment and retrieval.
Measures and installations within the planning areas must be in line with the land-use plan and, if necessary, have permission from the planning authority. The three largest settlements on Svalbard; Longyearbyen, Ny-Ålesund and Barentsburg and the surrounding areas, are regulated by land-use plans.
Therefore, first investigate whether the measure is in line with the current land-use plan and submit a notification or application to the planning authority. If in doubt, contact Longyearbyen Local Council in Longyearbyen, Kings Bay AS in Ny-Ålesund and the Governor for measures in Barentsburg.
In addition to the Longyearbyen Local Council in Longyearbyen, the Governor is the planning authority in the planning areas. The planning authority can also help you with practical questions. Installations and other measures must also have permission from the landowner, and it is the applicant's responsibility to secure permission from the landowner, if necessary.
All installations must be marked with the owner, period and RiS ID (RiS project and installation number). If the installation is to be placed in an area with protected cultural heritage, this is always subject to application (see section on cultural monuments).
Transport/motor traffic
Depending on your transportation needs and method, you may need additional permits. Please note that permits are required for all helicopter landings and cargo drops, including on sea ice or on vessels.
It is important that the transport is planned thoroughly, so that the applications and permits cover the need. There is a reporting obligation for all traffic outside area 10. For snowmobiling outside Management area 10, all visitors must have permission from the Governor.
Please note that motorized traffic is prohibited in defined areas on land and sea ice from 1 March. Research activities are encouraged to be carried out outside these areas during the motorized traffic ban. If this is necessary to carry out the research, it must be applied for in RiS.
Use of boat engines on fresh water must be applied for.
Drones / UAVs / Other remotely controlled devices
Both the Svalbard Environmental Act and the protection regulations have rules regarding the use of drones and other remotely controlled or autonomous unmanned devices in the air, on the ground, on and under water.
From 1 April to 31 August, it is not permitted to fly drones closer than 500 metres from bird cliffs, and in protected areas there is a general ban on the use of drones. In addition, there is a general ban on disturbing wildlife in Svalbard.
If you are going to fly a drone, you must familiarize yourself with and follow the rules for drone flying. The Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority administers the regulations regarding drones and model aircraft:
The National Security Authority (NSM) and the Norwegian Data Protection Authority provide information on the rules that apply to aerial filming and photography. More information can be found here: and here:
In Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, it is not permitted to fly drones closer than 5 km to the airport, unless you have received permission from the air traffic control tower. The pilot must obtain permission for each flight.
Ny-Ålesund also has a 20 km zone around the city with radio silence. This means that in practice it is prohibited to fly drones in Ny-Ålesund and throughout Kongsfjorden. To fly a drone in Ny-Ålesund, a permit must therefore be applied for from the Norwegian Communications Authority (NKOM). Prior to the application, the Norwegian Mapping Authority must be contacted so that the drone flight is coordinated with planned listening activities.
For more information about radio silence, contact Kings Bay AS, NKOM and the Norwegian Mapping Authority. Useful information can also be found here: Rules for UAV ( and here: Using UAS | Ny-Ålesund Research Station (
Camp and tenting
Requirements for camping and tenting are regulated in both the Svalbard Environmental Act and the regulations on camping in Svalbard (the camping regulations).
All camping under the auspices of research and educational activities requires permission from the Governor. Researchers apply via the application form in the RIS portal. Camping that requires an application to the Governor must be secured with a vigilant (awake) and organized polar bear guard when there are people in the camp.
Remember the distance requirement to permanent cultural monuments with protection zones. These are marked on the map in the RiS database (see section on cultural monuments).
Camping or tenting should be carried out in a way that avoids damage or wear to vegetation to the greatest extent possible. Tents and other installations should be placed on vegetation-free ground as far as possible.
Anyone travelling outside settlements, except for visitors and permanent residents who are part of an organised tour, is obliged to have knowledge of how to protect themselves against polar bear attacks. Necessary measures must be taken to avoid the risk of a polar bear attack and to be able to avert such an attack without harming or killing the animal.
It is mandatory to secure the campsite against polar bears, and there is a requirement for vigilant (awake) and organized polar bear watch as long as there are people in the camp.
You must familiarize yourself with the possible dangers in Svalbard, as well as current preventive safety measures. Make sure you are familiar with the use of weapons and flare guns. We recommend that everyone who is going into the field take a safety course. Responsible handling of weapons is important, both for your own safety, the safety of other people, and the safety of the polar bear.
You must carry an emergency beacon with you when traveling outside of Management area 10, and the Governor must know the identity of the beacons. This is stated on the reporting form.
Individual travellers should normally have insurance or a bank guarantee that covers any search, rescue operations and medical transport (SAR) that may be necessary in connection with trips to Svalbard. However, it is expected that researchers and students are covered through the research institutions being self-insurers, and therefore separate SAR insurance is not required for researchers going into the field.
Visa requirement
If you are required to have a Schengen visa, you must apply for a visa well in advance of your trip. Applications are submitted to the nearest Norwegian embassy or consulate. When entering Svalbard, you leave the Schengen territory, and it is therefore important to apply for permission to enter Schengen twice, once on the journey up to Svalbard and once on the return journey. You can find information on the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration's website: Svalbard - Visa and residence requirements - UDI.