Traffic ban on the upper side of Vei 100

Based on professional assessments from Skred AS and the weather forecasts, the Governor has decided to introduce a residence and traffic ban on the east side (upper side) of Road 100 from Longyearbyen School to Nybyen from Saturday, March 22 at 8:00 PM.

Published 3/22/2025

The Governor has held a meeting this afternoon with Skred AS, Longyearbyen Local Council, NVE and the Meteorological Institute about the avalanche danger in Longyearbyen, given today's site-specific avalanche warning that Skred AS has prepared for Longyearbyen, as well as the weather forecast for Saturday, March 22nd evening and night of March 23rd.

Based on avalanche expert assessments and recommendations, the Governor has decided, pursuant to the Police Act, to implement a residence and traffic ban on the east side (upper side) of road 100 from the school and up along Gruvefjellet to and including Nybyen (Road 100 no. 13) from Saturday evening at 8:00 PM.

The traffic and residence ban means that the snowmobile trail on the upper side of Road 100 is closed. The ban does not apply to traffic along road 100 itself. A new assessment of the avalanche danger will be made on Sunday morning, March 23rd.

See also the map for details.

Full storm night to Sunday 23 March
The Meteorological Institute reports that from late Saturday night to Sunday morning a full storm is expected from the southeast with wind gusts of up to 36 m/s. In combination with snow, there may be heavy snowdrifts.

The Governor therefore urges the public to avoid unnecessary travel outside during the current period.

High avalanche danger in the southern region
NVE reports that there is a high avalanche danger on Saturday and Sunday – danger level 4 – for the southern Svalbard region. Very strong winds and precipitation pose a risk of large naturally triggered avalanches. Avoid all avalanche terrain.

On Saturday evening, the wind is expected to increase to hurricane strength and a large amount of snow is expected. Avalanches may be released on their own as long as the weather continues with strong winds and precipitation, but the avalanche danger is expected to decrease significantly with less wind and precipitation on Monday.

Follow the weather forecast at and the avalanche warning at