Launches guide for beach clean-up

Strandryddere i aksjon på Svalbard sommeren 2023. Photo: Lisbeth Schnug Melhus / Sysselmesteren på Svalbard.

The Norwegian Environment Agency and the Governor have created a guide for anyone who wants to organize beach clean-up campaigns on Svalbard. The guide is available in both Norwegian and English.

Published 4/19/2024, Last edited 10/28/2024

Cleaning littered beaches has been part of the Governor's environmental work since 2000. Annually, around 13 tonnes of marine waste are picked up under the auspices of the Governor, such as through the annual beach cleaning project for permanent residents on Svalbard.

The Governor has now, in collaboration with the Norwegian Environment Agency, prepared a beach clean-up guide for anyone who wants to organize clean-up campaigns. It also contains useful knowledge for those who wish to participate in such an operation. The guide describes both planning ahead of a clean-up operation and how to ensure the health and safety of beach cleaners.

The document is in both Norwegian and English.