Report if you find dead birds

The public is asked to contact the Governor if dead wild birds are found in Svalbard. Do not touch dead birds, but feel free to take a picture and contact us.

This content is more than one year old. The information may therefore be out of date.

Published 6/7/2023

The Veterinary Institute monitors wildlife health and since bird flu was detected in Svalbard last year, it is important to follow developments this year as well.

The Governor therefore wants reports of sick or dead birds so that they can be sent to the Veterinary Institute for analysis.

If you find a dead bird, you can call the Governor’s office (+47 79 02 43 00) during office hours Monday-Friday at 10:00-15:00, or send us an email with the location and preferably a photo to

It is very rare for people to become infected with bird flu, but you should avoid handling sick or dead birds without protective equipment.