Public consultation: Land-use plan Ny-Ålesund 2023-2033

Arealplansområde i Ny-Ålesund.

Kings Bay AS announces a public consultation of the proposed land-use plan for Ny-Ålesund 2023-2033. The hearing deadline is 25 August 2023.

This content is more than one year old. The information may therefore be out of date.

Published 6/26/2023

Kings Bay AS as responsible for the Ny-Ålesund planning area announces a public consultation of the planning proposal for the Land-use plan Ny-Ålesund 2023-2033, in accordance with § 50 of the Svalbard Environment Act.

The consultation draft is published on the Kings Bays homepage:

The deadline for comments on the planning proposal for the land-use plan is 25 August 2023.

Comments on the Land-use plan Ny-Ålesund 2023-2033 can be sent in writing to:

Kings Bay AS, 9173 Ny-Ålesund, or to