Still a risk of wet snow avalanches, but low risk for them reaching roads and buildings

Based on the weather conditions over the past 24 hours and the weather forecast, there is still a risk of wet snow avalanches, but there is a low risk of such avalanches reaching roads and buildings according to NGI.

This content is more than one year old. The information may therefore be out of date.

Published 5/21/2023

The Governor has had a meeting today with the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), the Norwegian Directorate of Water Resources and Energy (NVE) and the Longyearbyen Local Council about the avalanche situation in Longyearbyen.

Based on the weather conditions over the past 24 hours and the weather forecast, there is still a risk of wet snow avalanches, but there is a low risk of such avalanches reaching roads and buildings according to NGI.