Laws and regulations

The laws and regulations are in Norwegian language only (The Svalbard Environmetal Protection Act and the Tourism regulations are translated to English language also. Please note that the translation is not official. It is only provided for information purposes). 

Laws and regulations Description
Alcohol scheme for Svalbard Regulations on the alcohol scheme for Svalbard
Båndtvangforskriften Regulations relating to dog leashes in Svalbard
Bergverksordningen for Svalbard The mining code (the mining regulations) for Svalbard
Bjørnøya - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning the protection of Bjørnøya Nature Reserve in Svalbard
Border Act Act on Border Supervision and Border Control of Persons (Border Act)
Control of travelers to and from Svalbard The regulation applies to controls on Svalbard of travelers to and from the archipelago, and applies to Svalbard and associated territorial waters.
Dyrehelseforskriften Regulations on measures against diseases and zoonotic agents in animals
Festningen - fredningsforskrift Regulations on the conservation of Festningen Geotope Protected Area in Svalbard
Firearms and scare devices for protection against polar bears The Governor's guidelines for firearms and scare devices for protection against polar bears
Forskrift om sortering og innsamling av avfall, avfallsgebyrer og byggavfall i Longyearbyen planområde Regulations on waste and handling of waste in Longyearbyen
Forurensingsforskriften Regulations on environmental contaminants, waste and drainage and waste disposal fees in Svalbard
Fuglereservater på Svalbard - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning major bird sanctuaries and nature conservation areas in Svalbard since 1973
Goods transport control in Svalbard Regulation on goods transport control in Svalbard
Heavy fuel oil ban Heavy fuel oil ban in Svalbard waters
Hopen - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning the protection of Hopen Nature Reserve in Svalbard
Høstingsforskriften Regulations concerning harvesting (hunting, trapping and fishing) and gathering of eggs and down
Hund til Svalbard - forskrift Regulations concerning import of animals to Svalbard
Indre Wijdefjorden- fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning the protection of Indre Wijdefjorden National Park in Svalbard
Jakt på svalbardrype og Svalbardrein - forskrift Regulations concerning local regulation of hunting of the Svalbard ptarmigan and Svalbard reindeer in Svalbard
Jakt-, fangst. og fiskekort på Svalbard - avgift Regulations concerning the fees for hunting, trapping and fishing licenses etc. in Svalbard
Kjæledyrforskriften Regulations on non-commercial transfer of pets
Leirforskriften Regulations relating to camping activities in Svalbard
Masimjelt og Purpurkarse - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning the protection of Oxytropis deflexa and Braya purpurascens. Delegation of authority
Midterhuken - fredningsforskrift Regulations on the prohibition of traffic at automatically protected cultural heritage sites at Midterhuken, Bellsund
Moffen - fredningsbestemmelser Regulations concerning the protection of Moffen Nature Reserve in Svalbard
Motor traffic in Svalbard Regulations relating to motor traffic in Svalbard. Please note that the translation is not official. It is only provided for information purposes.
Motorferdselsforskriften Regulations concerning motorised traffic in Svalbard
Nordaust-Svalbard - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning major bird sanctuaries and nature conservation areas in Svalbard since 1973, including Nordaust-Svalbard nature reserve
Nordre Isfjorden - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning the protection of Nordre Isfjorden National Park in Svalbard
Ossian Sars - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning the protection of Ossian Sars Nature Reserve
Røyeforskriften Regulations on fishing for char in Svalbard in 2022
Sassen-Bünsow Land - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning the protection of Sassen-Bünsow Land National Park in Svalbard
Sivilbeskyttelsesloven Act relating to municipal emergency preparedness, civil protection measures and the civil defence
Skytevåpen i Longyearbyen og omegn - forskrift The regulation regulates the use of firearms. The rules are somewhat different than those applicable on the mainland
Søraust-Svalbard - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning major bird sanctuaries and nature conservation areas in Svalbard since 1973, Southeast-Svalbard
Straffeloven The Norwegian penal code
Svalbard Environmental Protection Act The translation is not official; it is provided for information purposes only. In the event of any inconsistency, the Norwegian version shall prevail. This transaltion is based on the norwegian version of 12. april 2012. Later amendments are not translated.
Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund - fee The regulation determines the purpose of the fee, its geographical limitations, the obligation to pay fees and their collection, reimbursement etc.
Svalbardloven The Svalbard law
Svalbardmiljøloven The Svalbard Environmental Act
Svalbardtraktaten The Svalbard treaty
Tourism regulations Regulations relating to tourism, field operations and other travel in Svalbard. The translation is not official; it is provided for information purposes only. In the event of any inconsistency, the Norwegian version shall prevail. This transaltion is based on the Norwegian version of 12. april 2012. Later amendments are not translated.
Van Mijenfjorden national park - fredningsforskrift Regulations concerning the protection of Van Mijenfjorden National Park in Svalbard. Formerly Nordenskiøldland National Park
Våpenforskriften Regulations on firearms, weapons parts and ammunition etc
Våpenloven Act relating to firearms and ammunition, etc
Vigohamna - fredningsforsskrift Regulations concerning area protection and regulation of access to Virgohamna in Svalbard